Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Yesterday =)

Yesterday was just an ordinary day... Except that it's a holiday =) I can sleep and wake up late, I can online as long as possible (until Mum tell me to shut down the comp) and I can read my fave books without worrying bout homeworks =) Back to yesterday, we had fun! We had pizza for brunch, window shopping at Giant and bring our lil Miley to the playground (inside Giant). It is so fun if I recall back. Miley didn't wanna go home! Eventually, after Mum manage to persuade her (convinced her that we'll go back again tomorrow) than we went back home =)

Miley loves breadstick!

Soup of the day - chicken souupp

Whoa! So many pepsi? lol

Amy and Me and Flowers =)

My fave - tuna


Hawaiian Chicken =)

...And that was yesterday...

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