Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bubbles Babbles

I love the feeling of happiness, freedom and excitement when playing bubbles when I was little. I still remember Mum giving me some money and ask me to bring my sisters to a little shop not far from our house, and buy 3 small bottles of bubbles. We'll blow lots of bubbles from the bubble wand inside the bottle. My sisters and I love competing on who could blow the largest bubble. And when I feel the muscles in my mouth kinda 'cramped', I'll stop blowing and start chasing after the bubbles which my sisters blow and I'll pop them. However, we couldn't play bubbles on rainy day. The downpour wouldn't let the bubbles fly freely. Eventually, we'll end up blowing bubbles inside the house and sure, we'll make such mess. The house smell soapy and the floors are slippery. Sure Mum we'll be angry, but I know she'll just ask us to take bath and she'll clean our mess. It's been so long since my last time having bubble-blowing feelings.